Notice of Called Meeting 3/25
The Board of Commissioners will hold a Called Meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 9:00 am to make the final decision for the County Administrator.
The Grady County Board of Commissioners welcomes, appreciates, and encourages participation in the Board of Commissioners meeting. The Board requests that you limit your public comments to three (3) minutes per person. The Board reserves the right to limit the total time for Public Comment on any noticed agenda item as it may deem necessary.
If you wish to address the Board during the meeting as a presentation, please provide the County Clerk with a topic and any related material prior to consideration of the agenda item.
Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodation to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting, or the facilities are required to contact the ADA Coordinator at 229-377-1512 promptly to allow the County to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.